The phenomenon that binds us..

Jessica Ndidiamaka Isaac
4 min readMay 6, 2022

Twitter for somewhile has been my place of resting, on every tweet I get to see on each visit to the site, five (5) or more would be someone talking about a phenomenon he or she is going through and coincidently it’s the same with what I am currently going through and the peace that comes afterwards, knowing I am not the only one going through same, the feeling that I am not a fool as I had thought but a human going through the ups and downs of life, just as everyone else, is a relief, I must confess.

Sometimes, these tweets are just the words that had been difficult for me to describe of expressing how I was feeling and seeing someone saying them on my behalf feels like a relief to my mystery, I am sure you too have had such coincidence on the Twitter space, you see a tweet that gives you some clarity on the issues you couldn’t find the right words for and you are like "exactly, this is the tweet" something to finally gives you a voice that had been buried inside of you.

Be it political, economical, emotional or social issues, there is always someone, a thousand miles away going and sharing the same situation/views with you, though it’s the internet that connects us all and life somehow makes us share something similar of the world concurrently.

One click and all the tweet that surfaced sometimes, feels like the internet is a mind reader like our mind is connected with it - if not so, how then is it possible that you might be feeling sad for not getting a call from a significant person and there is a tweet from someone far away, someone you haven’t spoken to, confide in nor reported the situation too, but yet is talking about facing the same situation, how not to place your happiness on one person and how to love yourself more?

A stranger sharing the same feelings with you and as well helping you to heal, just from one tweet they had tweeted is one shocking mystery I am yet to understand.

How can we be far apart, different breeds, races, colours, continents, beliefs etc. and still feel connected and going through the same shits at the same time?????

However, the fact that a tweet birth either from one’s low or dark moments helping someone, somewhere to heal, relearn and find their purpose is something worth doing and doing well
That is why it is important we are mindful of the things we say or how we say them, because, like me, people are searching for the right word to comfort them, words that would make them feel not alone, not left out and not disregarded.

All these brought me to the conclusion that everyone is going through one particular phase in their life simultaneously; making it difficult for us to reach out to one another and truly be there for each other, a broken heart cannot heal a broken spirit, we are both broken and needs to heal in our different ways but learning how one could find healing and be whole again teaches the other how to heal too - That's why most tweets we find resonate with our current moods or situations.

Like you, there are millions of people going through heartbreaks at the same time but unknown to you, your tweet is giving them a reason to finally let go of a toxic relationship, find healing and hope at the end of the tunnel they find their light.

We might be far away or apart but one particular life phenomena bind us concurrently - how fascinating can that be?

While starting my book reading journey, I wasn’t at first a big fan of motivational books, I saw them as trying to live my life on someone else principles, someone else journey of life.
My mantra then was "What works for A doesn’t mean it will work for B"
But I was wrong, those books weren’t for me to apply the author’s principles to my life but by learning through the journey of the author, how he develop his principles to develop my principles, those books are like a boost to one’s self-discovery, that’s why then are called self-discovery books, a guild to discover oneself.

So as you journey through life, remember there is someone out there, who has been through the same situation, fight through it and came out better - you too can !!!

There is always a particular phenomenon that binds us no matter our race or the continent we live in.



Jessica Ndidiamaka Isaac

I'm a dreamer, hoping to scale through life by seeing each stage as a story!!!!!