To that one follower.

I hope you get to see this.

Jessica Ndidiamaka Isaac
2 min readJan 24, 2024
Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

I lost a follower today on Medium and it broke my heart.

I’ve been lazy to write lately, struggling to put out more content on my medium page, something to attract new people and make my followers proud of their decision to stick with me.

The first thing that got my attention when I logged in, was the number of followers I have now, the last I checked, I had 50 beautiful souls who had been captivated by a post I made and decided to applaud me with a follow – but now it’s down to 49!! – why did the “one” choose to not want anything to do with me anymore? what was my offense?

I know, I have been inconsistent, but believe me, I am trying, shuffling between work and preparing for my professional exams, hasn’t been easy on me, I barely had time to think of myself for the past few days.

I was wondering why people choose not to return to school after acquiring a degree, now That I’m in that situation and seeing the struggles/dedication it requires, I’ve come to respect their decision; for a fact, it’s not a child’s play.

I honestly, don’t want to sound unserious to you, but if I had in any way or form, please find it in you to forgive me – I know, I should have done better by giving you genuine reasons to stick with me, constantly putting out more contents, relatable to your everyday life hassle and make you feel, you are being seen and appreciated by me.

I would be lying if I said, I don’t have what you might find relatable to write about– my draft is filled with a lot of life experiences and lessons I would love to share with you, and I have a man now, who constantly wants me to put something up, “you haven’t posted this year” he constantly reminds me.

Like I said, I was too lazy to write and I am ashamed, knowing my laziness has caused me, you.

What breaks my heart the most is not knowing why you unfollowed me and not knowing who you are – Here I am thinking it’s my inconsistency or my laziness, but what if that’s not the case?

So here is to the follower who unfollowed me, if you get to see this, this is me apologizing for not giving you a reason to stay, I am trying to be better and do better.

Thou, Life takes us in different directions, and I respect your decision to navigate your own path. Should our paths cross again, whether on social media or elsewhere, I’m open to reconnecting.


The girl with the voice of a hummingbird



Jessica Ndidiamaka Isaac

I'm a dreamer, hoping to scale through life by seeing each stage as a story!!!!!